Titan Feature Requests

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Triggers from program mode

Postby sdhartog » 15 Apr 2012, 18:28

  • Is it possible to move the dmx-in trigger config to Program? Sometimes I like to add a new trigger during programming or show. Now I have to reset the faders when going from System to Progran mode, after adding an extra dmx-in trigger.

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Cue Lists

Postby Tharding » 08 Jun 2012, 00:15

  • Copy cues - The ability to select a range of cues and copy them to another point in the list (e.g. Copy cues 1-4 @ 10) implemented
  • Tracking after Merge - I know this is a bug. But what a bug! Makes the console unusable if your show is in a cuelist. Need to be able to make changes during the show and have them track forward. Can't be saving and reloading the show while things are live. implemented
  • LTP and HTP - I know this is not a traditional Avo function but I can't help missing it from other desks. Basically I want to be able to trigger a cue and have it fade the intensity of a fixture recorded in another playback without having to drop that other fader. #22094, #53759
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Global release

Postby ChrisLIT » 17 Jun 2012, 03:01

  • Global setting for Playback release.or Global setting to release all Parameters.
    (Changing every playback gets to be tedious).
implemented (Global Release Mask)
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Postby lumi » 01 Jul 2012, 14:14

  • For the Titan Mobile user, it could be great to have the possibility to use more the wheels for scrolling the windows (for example channel grid vue) as it is not easy to do so using the touch screen. dev note - perhaps add a couple of macros to enable wheel scroll on/off? #29181
  • In the HUD windows, preset could represent conventionnal dimmer level for Titan Mobile. dev note - intensity view may be enough but perhaps consider (option) to show bar/% level in fixture view too - bar has been tried in the past but removed at the time for performance reasons
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Postby nrdgnr » 03 Jul 2012, 23:25

  • Cue list timing countdown for each cue in the list. implemented v10 cue progress indicators
  • Cue list merging between different show files. implemented - import
  • It would be great ''learn timing function'' so we can give cue times during running the cue list by pressing ''go'' button. dev note - perhaps use timecode and have a way to convert or incorporate as part of timeline? #62784
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Postby icke_siegen » 12 Jul 2012, 22:21

  • Please do something about Flash/Swop timing.
    Imagine you want to program a cue where the fixtures move to a certain position, or slowly blend/change colour, or do whatever, within a certain timing. And you want to make it as usable as possible. Essentially, that's 'Go Cue'.
    Background: in the past, when Flash/Swop did so with regard of the programmed timing of the cue, these were misused as a 'Go Cue' function. With the only problem that you needed to keep pressing it until the fade has completed. Now this way has vanished, due to very dubious reasons, and without notice.
    Currently, the options are:
    - program a cue with fade-in, and fire it with a fader. Backdraw: you always need a fader for this (only 10 available on a mobile) - even if the cue contains e.g. only a position
    - program the cue as above mentioned, and latch it. But you must not forget to unlatch it (there is no mutual unlatch, which might make for another long post). Then again, do not unlatch it too early (it might be a 20 sec fade). And essentially, latching a position-only cue doesn't exactly make sense, does it?
    - make use of pallettes, which can be fired timed. But this invokes several problems: either you need to program 'normal' pallettes (with only the desired fixtures in) for this purpose to make sure no unwanted fixtures are affected, or you must always remember to select the proper fixtures at first ( = lots of clicks). Or: you program some macros (select fixtures, set time, apply pallette). Even more clicks. And in any case, this doesn't help if you have 'complex' timings (hey, is 'fade pan in 3 secs, but fade colour in 5 secs' really complex?)
    - program the whole thing as cuelist. Would you really want to program a cuelist for a task as simple as described?. Not to forget to set this cuelist to auto-unload (is this really possible yet?), to prevent unwanted triggering by accidentally hitting the global 'GO' button. And in case you wanted to change something, you'll click much more than when editing a simple cue.
    implemented - timed flash key profile
  • Please implement a 'Go Cue' function (probably as a key profile):
    - it's most easily understood with LTP attributes: when the button is clicked, the cue should fade in in the programmed timing. When fading is completed, the cue should be de-activated (LTP values not changing), so that you do not need to unlatch it.
    - HTP: if a fader is assigned as well (let's say it's a 'complete handle'), you can pre-set the desired HTP value with the fader, but nothing should happen unless the button is clicked. Only then, HTP fades to the pre-set value, and LTP fades as programmed. Fade-out to be controlled only by lowering the fader.
    - HTP and handles without faders is the most tricky thing to explain - albeit I believe this function is mostly used in the previously described situations. I'd say do not touch the HTP value in this case, because most likely the Dimmer is already controlled by another control. So, again, only fade the LTP values as described - and then, unlatch this cue.
implemented as 'Go' key profile. Note the handle currently remains indicated as active but otherwise functions as described

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Mutual Unlatch

Postby icke_siegen » 12 Jul 2012, 22:45

  • When busking with dimmers, I miss a 'mutual unlatch':
    defined buttons within a defined unlatch group should unlatch each other:
    - click button 1 -> button 1 latches
    - click button 2 -> button 2 latches, and unlatches button 1
    as for programmed fade times, I'd say 'HTP': fade-out of the unlatched and fade-in of the latched cue should be triggered simultaneously, and the longer/higher fade time should take precedence. If a fixture is included in the unlatched cue, but not in the latched one, the fade-out time is valid for this fixture - and vice-versa.

dev note - need a way to group playbacks where only one can be active at any given time and last fired takes precedence? #62780

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Tap tempo

Postby icke_siegen » 12 Jul 2012, 23:10

  • I miss a way to assign 'Tap Tempo' to a separate button, say button 2.
implemented via speed masters (or globally for connected cue via macro)

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Legend masters

Postby brett » 22 Aug 2012, 18:04

  • love the new master speed and bpm function, but would like to be able to rename them something other than Rate Master 1 so they can better reflect what is assigned to them.

mostly implemented - text legends can be set for all masters and are displayed in all handle locations except the 'Playbacks' and 'Fixtures and Playbacks' workspaces.
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Postby Adamastor » 25 Sep 2012, 11:19

  • It will be possible in the next upgrades to synq fx's in the shape generator? implemented ([Shapes And Effects]/[Shape Generator]/[Edit]/[Restart Shapes])
  • The pixel mapper works in groups, it will be possible for the shape generator work in the same way? I select the "All truss spot" group and create a shape, the shape will work for selected fixtures, if In the next day there is more 2 spots in the truss I just need to upgrade my group. mostly implemented via add/remove shape and global or shared shape palettes
  • (lock improvements) When I lock my mobile just lock the computer, don't lock the console, is this a bug? When you select lock desk it would be cool to choose between lock all or just the screen (touch screen in the tiger touch)

    merged related post:
    danhoff wrote:Fix, or make a selectable option, the behavior where MIDI triggers will still fire even if the console is locked. (can lead to some scary moments when a idiot FOH guy leans on your MIDI pad and triggers strobe cues during the opener set!)
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MIDI over Usb

Postby brett » 11 Oct 2012, 05:14

  • looking for ability to to use a usb midi controller to trigger titan mobile instead of just traditional midi.
    example of controller that could be used: Elation MidiCon

    merged related post:
    danhoff wrote:Support for USB-MIDI - it's getting increasingly difficult to find MIDI controllers/devices with actual 5-pin-DIN MIDI outputs, while there's a huge plethora of DJ/Ableton/Studio/etc.-targeted MIDI controllers out there, many of which would make excellent and interesting ways to control / expand playback, especially on the smaller Titan Mobile and Quartz.


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Postby Adamastor » 23 Oct 2012, 15:49

  • It would be really cool to set a color for the background of pallets, insteed off the dark greay, Wen we use very diferents types of fixtures the colors would help a lot, this could be set in legends. implemented v10 halo
  • To arrange shape generator by groups, ex.,
    If I have 30 parleds, 6 in backdrop, 3 in sidedrop Left, 3 in sidedrop Right, 8 on roof washing the stage, 4 inside truss, 6 on floor washing musicians, I need an fx were they change color one by one and another fx were they change color by groups... This could be set after selecting several groups an hit shape generator, then it should be the options "arrange by fixture" and "arrange by group".
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Delete all patched on just one universe

Postby Foxtechnical » 29 Oct 2012, 16:24

  • I would like the ability to delete just one universe, say I'm touring a show and using house dimmers which I always patch on universe C / 3. Is there a quick way to clear 3 to repatch without wipe all and reloading the show.
    Also meaning that the roller cue saves the channels so I can re-patch straight back onto the same handles would be an advantage.

    merged subsequent related post:
    gar.george wrote:I would like to second this! A method of parking all fixtures / dimmers patched on one universe would be useful for touring shows using house dimmers. But a confirmation would probably be in order... It's not exactly something you'd want to do by accident.

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Postby renebiemans » 29 Oct 2012, 20:59

  • I can also recommodend a tap temp button when connected to a chase. I think it's very good that you can program a button above the fader but it would be very nice to do that also when connected. So that you can use that button for other things. And also with the titan mobile you can tap tempo with the 'Workspace Macros and Executers' buttons while connected. implemented via macros
  • I miss the old function of the Go button. With the Avolites Pearl I usualy used the go button for manual interaction to go to the next step of a chase. This is now not possible anymore. implemented v10 user setting chase snap
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Postby Judge » 11 Dec 2012, 09:55

  • Current cue and next cue in list should always be visible, so cursor should track cue list playback. Its a right pain to have to manually scroll the window. If you start at top the the cursor bar moves down till its at the bottom and stays there and the contents of the window move up as cues are advanced. Need to be able to see ahead, not back! implemented (playback view display settings)
  • (protect playback) Add option to lock cue stack so impossible to accidently delete it (rather than delete just cue step)
    Because I just did this! I have gotten so used to double clicking to modify and merge cues that I was attempting too delete a step from the cue list and accidently deleted the whole list. Okay, I may be clumsy and thick but lets add an option in playback options that prevents this happening - so there would have to be an extra step involved to unlock and delete entire stack should you wish to do so. partially implemented (user settings/delete unassigns) #30154
  • (sticky windows) Cue list playback window. Possible to make this stick so is always visible? sometimes turns of and has to be re enabled. #54313
  • When attribute button is clicked it could open up the appropriate window. So that if you click colour button then attribute editor opens - this could be an option.
  • External cue store, so that looks can be recorded and stored there and then dragged onto a playback or as a step in a cue stack. Then if a stack contains a bunch of repeating cues you can update the cue in the store and all instances of it will update.

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