End of Life TT2 vs V16

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End of Life TT2 vs V16

Postby Quidam » 21 Sep 2022, 08:34

I'm quite hyped by the new tracking view in V16, but I just read the "fine prints" :

"As per the Avolites product support policy version 16 will not install on some older hardware (...) Any console marked as End Of Life in the support column will not run version 16 at the time it is released."

Then I came to the realization my 'like-new' V1 TT2 is 7.5 years old now.
I can't help to feel a bit silly after buying an Avokey yesterday ( :wink: yeah, ok, I just checked and it was 2019), so here's the inevitable question :
is there any (*unsupported*, I get it) DIY upgrade I can do (extra RAM, new HDD,...) to allow for a V16 install ?

PS : I totally get that I need to start to save for recent hardware in the form of a new desk anyway.
I wont be able to afford a D9, and I certainly will rage quit if a new hardware line is announced right after I buy a new (V3) TT2,
so, if the Gods have something to say in my DM, NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO DO IT.

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Re: End of Life TT2 vs V16

Postby Gregory » 21 Sep 2022, 10:49

With version 16 support is being removed for the oldest motherboard as its performance is significantly lower than those after it, roughly about half of the performance of the next motherboard (both CPU and GPU). There are additional restrictions as well such as the touchscreen used in early Tiger Touch II models for which there were driver issues that prevented that being supported in the operating system that is now used on the consoles (this was also the case for the v15.1 recovery). There is also an increased requirement for the hard drive to be at least 60GB however any consoles in that position are likely to hit the above restrictions.

Given that the parts in question, with the exception of the hard drive, are pretty specific, I'm not sure that a DIY upgrade is an option in this case. To work properly you would need to use the same motherboard and touchscreen as the later consoles do so that drivers and other functions work as expected. I don't know at this time if there will be any upgrade routes provided for these console or even how practical it is to upgrade things like the touchscreen (for example whether this is just the controller board or the whole screen assembly).

I am glad that you are looking forward to the new version and features but there is no reason that you cannot continue to use your current console on version 15.1 and still install fixture personality updates as required.
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Re: End of Life TT2 vs V16

Postby Quidam » 21 Sep 2022, 13:02

Hi Gregory,

Thanks for your detailed answer.

You mention drivers issues for touchscreens used in *early TT2*, does it include all TT2 V1 ?
(Which are, as per the support page TT-02001 - TT-03065)

On a related topic, I have a client/venue wishing to fit an Avokey in his PEXP (s/n 18** - but it has received an hardware upgrade kit a few years ago) in order to upgrade from V11.4 to V15.1.
The idea behind is to allow the PEXP to run the same software as the Arena of the venue. I assume this PEXP will never run V16 either ?
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Re: End of Life TT2 vs V16

Postby Gregory » 21 Sep 2022, 17:13

The older touchscreen was on serial numbers before TT-02291 so in principle that is all with the V1 range. I don't know if any motherboards have been replaced or upgraded in that V1 serial number range but if they have they would still need to meet the touchscreen requirement to run v16. Perhaps I shouldn't have mentioned it and just left it as V1 consoles as that is more straightforward.

There will not be any v16 release for the Pearl Expert, all hardware varients of that console are no longer being supported. Unfortunately this means to load shows from or connect to the Arena both would need to be on v15.1 or earlier. You could have v16.0 installed on the Arena at the same time but you would only want to run that if you knew you wouldn't need the Expert later for the same show.

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