Excluding a set of fixtures from a swop

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Excluding a set of fixtures from a swop

Postby samrbradley » 29 Jan 2019, 16:34

Hi - this is my first post so apologies if it's a repeat or if it's in the wrong place!

I have 2 rows of 5 Chauvet intimidator spots and some house LEDs around the edges of the room I'm operating in. I've got a tilt playback for the Intimidators and odd/even fixture intensities set on 2 faders. The idea being that the odd and even beams tilt in opposite directions and as different colours. That works great.

The thing is, I don't get the best effect from this unless I swop the odd and even fixtures, which obviously turns off the house LEDs. These LEDs are the only light the bar has in my venue so I'm looking for a way of swopping the Intimidator tilts without turning off the LEDs?

Thanks :D
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Re: Excluding a set of fixtures from a swop

Postby niclights » 29 Jan 2019, 16:46

Assuming you're using Titan set the playback(s) containing the house LED intensity to a higher priority than the spot intensity playbacks. For example [Playback Options], <select house LED playback>, [Playback], toggle [Priority] to [Priority High].
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Re: Excluding a set of fixtures from a swop

Postby samrbradley » 29 Jan 2019, 23:02

Yep Titan v11 on the Tiger Touch Pro. Thanks for your help!
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Re: Excluding a set of fixtures from a swop

Postby ofamin » 22 Jan 2020, 10:32


changing the priority doesn't seem to work for me.
What I want to achieve is a simple "Swop Protect" just like on MA consoles.
That would be great to have this possibility on a Playback without dealing with Priority...

My case scenario is as follow:
I am working with Titan Mobile, running Titan v.11

I've recorded a Strobe effect on one of the Static Playbacks buttons ("Workspaces, Macro and Executers" zone).
To achieve what I wanted I had to :
- make and assign a "Static Playback Swop" key profile (for cues, Latch=Swop)
- Release mask: Intensity
- Release Time: 0s
This Strobe effect is working as expected.

Some house lights are on another static playback button.
When I turn the priority of this playback to its highest value, these lights are still affected by the swop.

Is there a way to do this or am I missing something?

Thanks in advance for your feedback.
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Re: Excluding a set of fixtures from a swop

Postby niclights » 22 Jan 2020, 11:53

Everything sounds correct and this works when I test. Note that if the house light playback is active when you change the priority you need to kill and refire before it obeys the new priority.
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Re: Excluding a set of fixtures from a swop

Postby ofamin » 23 Jan 2020, 08:00

when you change the priority you need to kill and refire before it obeys the new priority

That's correct! That was it. Now it works.

The addition of a "Swop Protect" option on the Playbacks would be welcome since playing with priority has some drawbacks.
Example: I want to slightly adjust the said houselight and update the playback where it is recorded. Using the higher priority, I can't physically see what I'm doing with the programmer.

Anyway, thank you !
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Re: Excluding a set of fixtures from a swop

Postby niclights » 23 Jan 2020, 11:05

The programmer should still take priority unless the playback priority is set to 'Very High'. However, I do agree it would be useful to have a separate option if for no other reason than to make it simpler. This would probably also raise the question whether there should be a separate 'exclude from crossfade HTP' (mode 3).

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