Robe WS250 XT on vis

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Robe WS250 XT on vis

Postby (iCe) » 07 Nov 2005, 12:29

Just got my Pearl 2004 console: wooohoow!

But.... :) I tried inserting some lights into the visualiser and control them. With Mac 250 Krypton Ex. movingheads it works fine. I also tried some Robe 250XT wash lights. I can insert them, export the file to a cvs and load that into the Pearl but then the mode of those fixtures seems to be wrong. Those fixtures have mode 1 and mode 2 in which pan / pan fine and tilt/tilt fine are reversed. So the console is operating in mode 1 and the vis in mode 2 or vice versa.

Maybe these fixtures could be added to the fixture library in both modes (there's just one available now?) and someone could explain to me why those modes are different while I used the exact same personality files for the visualiser and cache builder. The fixtures even have the same name on both console and visualiser, but DMX tables are wrong.
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Postby Ed » 07 Nov 2005, 14:00

I will look into your problems and get back to you
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Postby (iCe) » 07 Nov 2005, 16:09

Thanks... while you're at it; could you check the personality file of a Mac250 Krypton in Extended mode? Some of the DMX tables are off a bit, for instance the stepped scroll colours don't match.

The personality file contains:
143 155 "Open"
156 159 "Purple"
160 163 "Dk Grn"
164 167 "Orange"

while the actual values are:
156-159 white
160-163 CTC
164-167 Yellow
168-171 Blue

it seems the values the Pearl is displaying are in reversed order?
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Postby Ed » 08 Nov 2005, 16:51

Ok just to be sure, what were the exact names of the personalities you were using for the Robe 250 XT?

Avolites Software Team
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Postby (iCe) » 08 Nov 2005, 19:22

Uhhh good question, I stumbled upon a ROWS250XT and RO_WS250XT if I'm not mistaken... I've tried several combinations, last one I used was in the cache builder directory, so that would be the one without underscore I think.
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Postby Ed » 09 Nov 2005, 10:35

Ok Ive fixed the Personality files, have you got an e-mail address? PM it or e-mail it to me if you want to keep it private. Make sure you are using the absolute latest Robe Pearl personalities as well. I recently changed the names of the Robe fixtures to make them clearer.

I'll have a look at the Martin Files now

ps my e-mail is ed at avolites dot com
Avolites Software Team

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