Discussion and chat related to developing interfaces to the Titan software using the web API.

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Postby Olie » 10 Oct 2016, 18:24

Is there an editor for Web API interface?
There is no official editor from Avolites and we are not planning to create one at this time. The API uses HTTP requests to ensure that it reaches a vast array of programming platforms as it is widely supported. There are already a number of third party tools for creating user interfaces using HTTP and we would encourage anyone who wished to create one specific to the Titan Web API.

I am not familiar with writing html code but I still want a custom interface?
Avolites provides a service to create interfaces to your specification. Please contact our sales team for details and pricing.

How do I get the playback level?
There is currently no easy way to do this in V10. By requesting the handles you can tell if a playback is fired or not but this does not currently return the level.

Does Titan One support Web API?
The Web API is not included with the Titan One system however it is supported by all our consoles and the Mobile USB interface.
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