Programmer Dimmer Value

Discussion and chat related to developing interfaces to the Titan software using the web API.

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Programmer Dimmer Value

Postby gainscough » 12 Oct 2019, 01:26

I'm trying to get "IncrementDimmer" to work. At the moment, there's no change on the console or in output.
Also tried "SetDimmerLevel", but same lack of response.

I just selected some groups/fixtures, then ran the command over http, but got nothing - was expecting programmer intensity to change, if I've got the function of the api call right. Also tried with groups/fixtures selected and a dimmer value already in the programmer.

Trying to make a hardware intensity wheel.

Thanks for any help
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Re: Programmer Dimmer Value

Postby icke_siegen » 12 Oct 2019, 10:49

Which commands exactly do you use? Maybe you could post the sequence here so that we can have a look.

Please know that the WebAPI uses a separate programmer - thus, changes in the WebAPI do not reflect in the normal console programmer. To my mind this makes it a little awkward to use. You can, however, use the WebAPI to set certain playback levels. And I would think that you can also set master levels.
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Re: Programmer Dimmer Value

Postby gainscough » 12 Oct 2019, 12:04

icke_siegen wrote:Please know that the WebAPI uses a separate programmer - thus, changes in the WebAPI do not reflect in the normal console programmer.


Yeah, I didn't know that - kinda makes all this moot, as would have to edit in the primary programmer to behave like the intensity wheels in other consoles.

Ah well, onto plan B - just annoyingly can't make it public as it uses features that avo (presumably) don't know they've implemented...
And if that fails there's always the direct hardware mod route (done this on some old pearls)


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