Macro for moving a curlist or playback

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Macro for moving a curlist or playback

Postby m_timo » 11 Aug 2024, 16:41


For my nee showfile i would like to transfer a playback from my mobile executers to the playback window but i cant het the right line tot transfer them is there Any one who knows hoe To fix this?
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Re: Macro for moving a curlist or playback

Postby icke_siegen » 12 Aug 2024, 13:21

Very basically it would go like mentioned here: ... movehandle

I link you to the wiki by purpose: you need to define various parameters for this. E.g. how do you want to identify the handles which you want to move? By location, by usernumber, or what else? Can you please give an example of what you want to do?
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Re: Macro for moving a curlist or playback

Postby m_timo » 12 Aug 2024, 14:48

Oké oké, ik tried To do it with this macro
From the wiki page but. With out succes…

I would like tot transfer playback with usernumber 1501 To mobile executer 6 And do this for Many more playbacks but Lets start with the first one.

When I Make this macro in record mode I die the folowing steps:

- delete playback from executer 6 page 1
from my mobile wing
- copy playback 1501 to executer 6 On page 1
- And clear

The reson I would like to write this macro is To use the macro even when the playbacks are On difrent pages And places in my shows but the executer always does the same job with doffen effect or playbacks.
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Location: Siegen, Germany

Re: Macro for moving a curlist or playback

Postby icke_siegen » 13 Aug 2024, 17:53

Basically selecting handle ranges and copying/moving them is closely tied to the user interface and works only on the current page. These two examples would work:

This copies the playbacks in the current page of the playbacks window buttons 2-10 to the fader playbacks 2-10:

Code: Select all

      <step pause="0.01">Handles.SetSourceHandleRange("PlaybackWindow", {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9})</step>
      <step pause="0.01">ActionScript.SetProperty.Enum("Handles.OperationMode", "copy")</step>
      <step pause="0.01">Handles.CopyDestination("Playbacks", 1)</step>
      <step pause="0.01">Handles.ClearSelection()</step>

Instead of using the location you can use the usernumber: this copies the playbacks with the usernumbers 3, 4 and 5 to the fader playbacks 1, 2 and 3:

Code: Select all

      <step pause="0.01">Handles.SetSourceHandleRangeFromHandles("{playbackHandleUN=3,playbackHandleUN=4,playbackHandleUN=5}", true)</step>
      <step pause="0.01">ActionScript.SetProperty.Enum("Handles.OperationMode", "copy")</step>
      <step pause="0.01">Handles.CopyDestination("Playbacks", 0)</step>
      <step pause="0.01">Handles.ClearSelection()</step>

If you want to copy it to an arbitrary page then you might involve some tricks like here: ... ge1andback

However I don't know if it is possible to use SetSourceHandleRangeFromHandles() with a list of locations - or I didn't find the correct syntax for this.

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