Change Spread for especific effects

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Change Spread for especific effects

Postby lopesmacp » 25 Jul 2023, 10:38

I tried the change spread avaliable in the wiki page. Whats its problem? It changes ALL shapes from ALL fixtures.

I would need one that would only affect the selected fixtures, and if no fixtures where selected, then it would be be global.

I also needed to afect only certain efects, like P shapes, or C Shapes, or I shapes.

Lets say i have beams doing circles, washes doing tilt and with a dimmer saw.

I want to change the circle spread on the beams for 1 but i still want to keep the dimmer saw with a spread of 6 and the washes tilt with a spread of 4

Right now, if i use the avaliable macro, i will change my beams circles to 1, dimmer saw to 1 and washes tilt to 1.

Any help?

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