Lua code to generate many macro files
Posted: 26 Jun 2020, 14:35
Sometimes you need to make many macro files which are doing smiliar things.
This is my lua code to generate them and you can use any programming language instead of lua.
This is my lua code to generate them and you can use any programming language instead of lua.
Code: Select all
FileName = "Chase XFade"
MacroName = "% XFade"
MacroId = "Chase_XFade"
Window = "PlaybackWindow"
Page = 0
Slot = {}
--PlaybackSpeed : .Float : 120.0(120bpm)
--ChaseSpeedMultiplier : .Double : 2.0(x2)
--ChaseXFade : .Float : 1.0(100%)
--ChaseFixtureOverlap : .Float : 1.0(100%)
Item = "ChaseXFade"
Type = ".Float"
Content = {"0.0","0.5","0.9","1.0"}
Legend = {"0","50","90","100"}
--make temp Slots
--Slot = {0,1,2,3,4,5}
for i = 1, 60 do
Slot[i] = i-1
--calculate size of slot
SizeOfSlot = 0
i = 1
while Slot[i] do
SizeOfSlot = SizeOfSlot + 1
i = i + 1
SizeOfContent = 0
i = 1
while Content[i] do
SizeOfContent = SizeOfContent + 1
i = i + 1
--macro saving location
filename = "C:\\Users\\kimwida\\Documents\\Titan\\Macros\\" .. FileName ..".xml"
local file =, "w")
FileTxt = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n"
FileTxt = FileTxt .."<avolites.macros>\n"
for j = 1, SizeOfContent do
FileTxt = FileTxt .." <macro id=\"" .. MacroId .. Content[j] .. "\">\n"
FileTxt = FileTxt .." <name>" .. Legend[j] .. " " .. MacroName .. "</name>\n"
FileTxt = FileTxt .." <sequence>\n"
for i = 1, SizeOfSlot do
FileTxt = FileTxt .." <step pause=\"0.001\">Handles.SetSourceHandleFromHandle(Handles.GetHandle(\"" .. Window .. "\"," .. Page .. "," .. Slot[i] .. ")) </step>\n"
FileTxt = FileTxt .." <step pause=\"0.001\">ActionScript.SetProperty(\"Playbacks.Editor.SelectedPlayback\", Handles.SourceHandle)</step>\n"
FileTxt = FileTxt .." <step pause=\"0.001\">ActionScript.SetProperty" .. Type .. "(\"Playbacks.Editor.Times." .. Item .. "\"," .. Content[j] .. ")</step>\n"
FileTxt = FileTxt .." <step pause=\"0.001\">Handles.ClearSelection()</step>\n"
FileTxt = FileTxt .." <step pause=\"0.001\">ActionScript.SetProperty(\"Playbacks.Editor.SelectedPlayback\", null)</step>\n\n"
FileTxt = FileTxt .." </sequence>\n"
FileTxt = FileTxt .." </macro>\n"
FileTxt = FileTxt .."</avolites.macros>\n"