Custom macro to toggle audio trigger on/off

This is a place for people to chare the custom macros they have written.

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Custom macro to toggle audio trigger on/off

Postby watty » 06 Dec 2019, 11:28

Following on from a post I put on the Consoles section, I would like to know if a Macro could be made available to toggle the Audio Trigger master on/off enable switch. As this is a "screen" button and there is no handle I have no idea how to do this myself.

What I would like is a macro that I could store on an executor button that toggles the master enable (found on the left of the audio trigger window) on/off. The only way I can achieve this at the moment is to open the Audio Trigger window and using a mouse or the touchscreen, switch it on or off which needs the window to be opened each time.

Can the software guys help with this?
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Re: Custom macro to toggle audio trigger on/off

Postby watty » 06 Dec 2019, 20:12

Many thanks Sideshowbond. Perfect, just what I needed. This has made using audio triggers a lot, lot easier.

Thanks again for your help, very much appreciated.
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Re: Custom macro to toggle audio trigger on/off

Postby Gregory » 09 Dec 2019, 20:46

I have updated the toggle macro to include the active flag; you need to add the following line:

Code: Select all

<active binding="Audio.AudioTriggersEnabled" />

As unrecognised active properties can cause the software not to start correctly it is unlikely that this would be included in the factory macros as these can be installed on any version of Titan.

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