Release playbacks macro

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Release playbacks macro

Postby fireball40k » 12 Dec 2018, 23:15

I am looking to create a macro that I can fire from a single console button in order to kill four simple playbacks which are stored in the Playbacks window.

A tiny bit of background: This is all related to using audio triggering to control four LED par cans around a drum kit. The problem I have is that when I disengage the audio triggering feature, depending on the state of the various channels, one or more of the LED par cans might be left on. So I need a quick way during the show to shut off all four of those lights.

If I try to record a simple macro, all I end up doing is toggling the four playbacks - so if they were off, they become on after running the macro. I can't see anything in the library that seems suitable, so how do I record one?

Thank you
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Re: Release playbacks macro

Postby Gregory » 13 Dec 2018, 00:05

When recording the macro you could hold down the Avo key while pressing each of the playbacks so they are always killed and not fired. Alternatively in the macro you could press the Release key before each playback. I believe there should be a factory macro to release all playbacks in the Playbacks workspace window which you could use if you don't need any playback within that window to remain active.
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Re: Release playbacks macro

Postby fireball40k » 13 Dec 2018, 17:53

Thanks Gregory, using the Avo key worked perfectly for what I needed to achieve.
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Re: Release playbacks macro

Postby ofamin » 27 Jan 2020, 13:43


I have an additional question regarding this topic.
Is there a way to make a macro that would release any cue/cuelist/chase stored on a specific range of playbacks.

e.g: On the "Playbacks" window, release Playbacks 11 to 15, whether something is stored on them or not.

As a consequence, any cue/cuelist/chase that would be stored or moved onto these playbacks would be released by calling the macro.

I've tried by recording a basic macro but it seems it is not possible to release a playback if nothing's recorded on it yet.
If something is recorded on the playbacks, it works but if I move the playback, it is still impacted by the macro.

Hope you can follow me on this one. On MA it would be coded like "Off Exec 11 thru 15".
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Re: Release playbacks macro

Postby Gregory » 27 Jan 2020, 14:22

If you record a macro as in my previous post i.e. press Avo followed by the button in the Playbacks window it will be the position that you have pressed that will be recorded regardless of what playback is present there (or not). You can actually hold down Avo throughout and press playbacks 11 to 15 before releasing the Avo key again. However Avo will by default kill a playback rather than release it unless you have changed either the global or per playback release settings. If you still want to use Release you may be able to make it work by pressing Exit after selecting each playback, this will ensure that you have exited the release menu whether there was a playback on that button or not.
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Re: Release playbacks macro

Postby ofamin » 27 Jan 2020, 14:43

Perfect. Thank you very much for the detailed answer.

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