Exploring Cue Fade Timing Customization on Avolites Consoles

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Exploring Cue Fade Timing Customization on Avolites Consoles

Postby virgate » 26 Jun 2024, 08:55

As I investigate Avolites consoles' possibilities, tweaking cue fade timing especially interests me. For my presentations to have seamless and dynamic transitions, as a lighting designer exact control over cue fades is absolutely vital.

Particularly when working with complicated cue lists or sophisticated programming, I have observed that the default cue fade behavior on Avolites consoles can occasionally feel a little sudden or inflexible. I'm looking for any sophisticated methods or secret settings that would enable me to control the fade curves and timing to get the precise appearance and feel I'm trying for.

I have tested the "Cue Fade In Master" and "Cue Fade Out Master" choices, for instance, but I believe more exact control is still possible. Maybe one could design unique fade profiles or even link fade periods to particular values or effects?

The community would be very welcome to hear about your experiences and any advice or tricks you might have for maximizing cue fading behavior on Avolites systems. Have you found any unapproved features or fixes? Learning from your experience excites me to increase my toolset of programming techniques.

I would also be rather keen to know whether Avolites have any intentions to include more sophisticated fade customizing choices in further software upgrades.

I appreciate all of your ideas and comments in advance. A great debate and the chance to improve my Avolites programming abilities excite me.

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