TM Crash

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TM Crash

Postby CSmithDesign » 28 Jun 2012, 10:30

Hello, I had my Titan Mobile crash mid-show last night. It took a full restart of the software and I had to cycle power on the TM itself (unplug and plug back in then USBs) to get the control back, after that, it functioned normally (I tried restarting the software to no avail).

I've used it with no problems for 5 shows and now this, I'm thinking that some one pulled on the USB connections a little bit that caused the crash (there was a lot of bumping around at control when this happened, something was going on next to me in the audience).

Does this seem plausible? Has anyone experienced anything like this before? The thing is, I lost my midi controller first (after some bumping around), and then 1 minute later everything was inoperable (again after what I think was commotion behind my console).

I'm just curious if this could be some sort of known issue; have there been any reports of TMs dying in this way? I've got shows tonight and tomorrow and I'm not sure if I should scramble for new control or not... If the usb connections got lost for a moment, would it always require a full restart and power cycle?

I really don't want to change controllers right now, but I'm obviously worried about losing all control and not getting it back. Last night sucked when it happened, but I got lucky and it didn't make a huge difference to the show.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

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Postby niclights » 28 Jun 2012, 11:14

I'm not in a position to answer your questions but it would be easy to simulate and test, for your own peace-of-mind. Try unplugging things and see what happens.

I suggest you use log collector and send them to software at avolites dot com. You might also want to have a look at windows event logs as they might give you a clue.

At risk of stating the obvious generally I would try as much as possible to minimise the possibility of cables being dislodged and heavy vibration, particularly if you have a HDD (as opposed to SSD). I know this is not necessarily always easy.
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Postby CSmithDesign » 28 Jun 2012, 12:04

Thanks Nic, I will certainly be testing as soon as I get off the airplane! I'm not familiar with Windows log, how would that help?

To me, it looked like a total hardware problem, the software was fine, so I'm wondering on the likelihood of having a faulty TM (I'm guessing and hoping that it's not likely) or if there's a known issue like this. But I will test away and see what happens!

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