Every Percentage turns to Custom range when building new personality

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Every Percentage turns to Custom range when building new personality

Postby nt2ds » 21 Jan 2023, 11:57

I've been using TitanGo a year and It has happened that I need to create some personalities on my own. All this time it had been working fine, for the last 2 months though every time I create a new personality and I choose the Generic Percentage Range I put the DMX start and end value the Display type writes Percentage but after I save the file and reopen it every generic percentage that I have put changes to Custom Range. Percentages from already existing percentages don't change. I mean the when I select an attribute of Color : Green which already have the percentage on it doesn't change after I reopen personality builder.
Why is that it changes and how can I fix it?
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Re: Every Percentage turns to Custom range when building new personality

Postby niclights » 21 Jan 2023, 12:28

This will almost certainly be a result of trying to use the percentage character in the Diamond 4 Display Text ('Wheel Display') property. The % character is used in the xml to set the units. When it is parsed it will see this and think it's a custom range. Removing any percentage symbols from this property should solve this. Titan doesn't use this property anyway.
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Re: Every Percentage turns to Custom range when building new personality

Postby Gregory » 21 Jan 2023, 12:50

If I remember correctly you should be able to put % twice e.g. %% to escape it, i.e. have it show a percentage symbol rather than treat it as a custom format string.

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