Visualizer Limits?

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Visualizer Limits?

Postby BobbyPee » 24 Sep 2017, 23:15

I'm trying to use the built in visualizer on Titan One and Titan Mobile Simulator. In both instances, it seems the visualizer is limited to output only one universe of DMX, despite having 4 universes outputting via ArtNet. I know there must be something I'm missing. Please forgive me, long time user, but first with the visualizer.
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Re: Visualizer Limits?

Postby niclights » 25 Sep 2017, 00:30

There are no such limitations that I'm aware of. Are you sure the fixtures you have patched are being simulated?
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Re: Visualizer Limits?

Postby BobbyPee » 25 Sep 2017, 05:11

Yes, I have 48 Elation ACL's patched. Only 25 are outputting when I locate. The personality is 20 channels, so 25 fixtures is 500 channels. So for some reason, it seems I only have control over the first universe in the visualizer.
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Re: Visualizer Limits?

Postby niclights » 25 Sep 2017, 09:59

There are five different Elation fixtures with 'ACL' in the name in the library at the moment but I'm assuming you mean the Elation ACL 360i as that is the only one that has a 20 channel mode (Extended).

This seems to work fine for me:

(Titan Simulator in TitanOne mode)

- New show
- Capture
- Patch 48x Elation ACL 360i, Extended mode
- Exit
- Select all fixtures
- Locate

= All fixtures highlight and output light.

Do the fixtures on the second universe highlight in Capture when you select their fixture handles?

What happens if you start a new show and patch one dimmer on universe 1 and another on universe 2?
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Re: Visualizer Limits?

Postby Ale_Zakko » 08 May 2021, 10:42

niclights wrote:There are five different Elation fixtures with 'ACL' in the name in the library at the moment but I'm assuming you mean the Elation ACL 360i as that is the only one that has a 20 channel mode (Extended).

This seems to work fine for me:

(Titan Simulator in TitanOne mode)

- New show
- Capture
- Patch 48x Elation ACL 360i, Extended mode
- Exit
- Select all fixtures
- Locate

= All fixtures highlight and output light.

Do the fixtures on the second universe highlight in Capture when you select their fixture handles?

What happens if you start a new show and patch one dimmer on universe 1 and another on universe 2?

Hi Nic! I found the same issue on V15 using T1 hardware. I followed your instructions but only first fixtures on line 1 works. the others on line 2 doesn't works. Do you confirm that Titan Go (using T1 hardware) works on Artnet or Scan protocol? thanks!
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Re: Visualizer Limits?

Postby Ale_Zakko » 08 May 2021, 10:48


That's strange. If i use Titan Simulator everything works well (using also Titan one simulator) LOL. If i open Titan Go, i don't see the second line on visualizer.... :shock:
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Re: Visualizer Limits?

Postby Gregory » 08 May 2021, 10:55

When not using Titan Simulator a T1 will only output line 1 this can be using the physical DMX port, Art-Net or sACN. Lines 2 and above are disabled. When simulating you can output more lines however there is a periodic DMX spoiler on all lines which will output random DMX at intervals.
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Re: Visualizer Limits?

Postby Ale_Zakko » 08 May 2021, 11:17

Gregory wrote:When not using Titan Simulator a T1 will only output line 1 this can be using the physical DMX port, Art-Net or sACN. Lines 2 and above are disabled. When simulating you can output more lines however there is a periodic DMX spoiler on all lines which will output random DMX at intervals.

Thanks Gregory for the quick answer! I found this "issue" on Capture DMX setting on the left pannel inside DMX setting. I can enable or disable capture dmx signal. But it works only from 1 to 512 channel. If i create on line1 more sACN or Art-Net universes, capture visualizer show me only the first dmx 512 channels. Last but not least, using two or more sACN universe on line1, i can see only 512 dmx channel on line1 on patch view; Why?

Many thanks!
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Re: Visualizer Limits?

Postby Ale_Zakko » 08 May 2021, 11:19

Gregory wrote:When not using Titan Simulator a T1 will only output line 1 this can be using the physical DMX port, Art-Net or sACN. Lines 2 and above are disabled. When simulating you can output more lines however there is a periodic DMX spoiler on all lines which will output random DMX at intervals.

thanks for the quick answer! effectly, under left column i can see Visualizer DMX. It can enable or disable capture visualizer. But is there the possibility to view a line1 sACN (or Art-Net) over 512 fixture channel on Capture visualizer using T1 Hardware and not the simulator? For Example if i put on line 1 more sACN universe, i can patch only 512 dmx channel.. why?

I know that's a simple question but i worked only on dmx universe and this is my first attempt to do a Art-Net node.

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Re: Visualizer Limits?

Postby Gregory » 08 May 2021, 11:44

The one universe limit applies to all DMX processing including to internal or external Capture Visualiser. You can output line 1 in more than one way (physical, Art-Net, sACN) but the DMX values will be the same 512 values on all of them. When assigning Art-Net or sACN you can set the universe number it sends over the network, this doesn't need to be based on the Titan line number. This is an option in the softkeys when assigning the output or it can be changed in the output properties later (press the Cog symbol).

If you need to visualise more than one universe you should run the Titan Simulator application and select the Titan Go interface. In this mode outputs assigned to lines 2 and above (e.g. Art-Net) should function (in spoiler mode).

A T2 plugged in will allow two DMX lines to be output and a Titan Mobile will allow the same as a console. The limits are set based on the type to the device and at present there isn't a system to change that.
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Re: Visualizer Limits?

Postby Ale_Zakko » 08 May 2021, 13:01

Gregory wrote:The one universe limit applies to all DMX processing including to internal or external Capture Visualiser. You can output line 1 in more than one way (physical, Art-Net, sACN) but the DMX values will be the same 512 values on all of them. When assigning Art-Net or sACN you can set the universe number it sends over the network, this doesn't need to be based on the Titan line number. This is an option in the softkeys when assigning the output or it can be changed in the output properties later (press the Cog symbol).

If you need to visualise more than one universe you should run the Titan Simulator application and select the Titan Go interface. In this mode outputs assigned to lines 2 and above (e.g. Art-Net) should function (in spoiler mode).

A T2 plugged in will allow two DMX lines to be output and a Titan Mobile will allow the same as a console. The limits are set based on the type to the device and at present there isn't a system to change that.

Thanks! now I understand better how it works :D

so, if "The one universe limit applies to all DMX processing including to internal or external Capture Visualiser", do you confirm that if i use a physical Titan Mobile for example, with more than one dmx universe, on the internal capture visualizer i can see only first 512 dmx universe fixtures right?

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Re: Visualizer Limits?

Postby niclights » 08 May 2021, 13:41

The number of lines visible in the internal (and external) Capture visualiser are the same as the number of lines the device can ouput. So if you connect a Titan Mobile you will be able to visualise all the lines that the Titan Mobile supports.
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Re: Visualizer Limits?

Postby Ale_Zakko » 08 May 2021, 14:26

niclights wrote:The number of lines visible in the internal (and external) Capture visualiser are the same as the number of lines the device can ouput. So if you connect a Titan Mobile you will be able to visualise all the lines that the Titan Mobile supports.

understood! Many thanks!! :D

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