SMPTE timecode is a standard ; it can be distributed in various ways. Amongst them are LTC (Linear TimeCode, which is an audio signal) and MTC (MIDI TimeCode).
Regarding the timecode source : the easiest way to do it is to play the audio of your show from Winamp on the laptop you are using to run the Titan Mobile software.
Then, in Titan, set the timecode source to Winamp.
However, if you are not alone (if someone else needs to be hooked on the TC) then you'll need an external timecode source and, if you're using a Titan Mobile, your only option is to receive MTC and use the MIDI input on the TM.
If all you can get is LTC, then you need a larger Avo desk, with LTC input (i.e. Tiger Touch 2).
Regarding programming, you have to use cuelists. Open the cuelist view and set a specific time for each cue in the 'Timecode' column.
Here's the section on Timecode in the user manual : ... f#page=183If you are not familiar with cuelists (and/or tracking), I highly recommend you to read the whole cuelist section : ... f#page=170