User Views Will Not Save

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User Views Will Not Save

Postby Tallysrfr » 27 Feb 2014, 18:08

When I set and save user views, using both Save View and Save Theater, when I open it back up, it has not saved anything. What could be the Problem?
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Re: User Views Will Not Save

Postby Tallysrfr » 02 Mar 2014, 01:20

I'm using Visualiser Stand-Alone version 7.4. I downloaded and reinstalled it and it still doesn't save. The depth on User View 1 is all messed up and I try to fix it and save it (as well as other views) and it doesn't take. It used to save just fine. I've put a lot of work into building my room to the correct dimensions, with walls, platforms, etc. So, I don't want to lose this theater. Can someone please tell me what could be wrong?
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Re: User Views Will Not Save

Postby Tallysrfr » 03 Mar 2014, 17:44

Okay. This is a shot in the dark. But, could there be something causing the file to be locked? The theater was originally built in the Visualiser workspace within Titan Simulator. Could something in TS lock the file from being overwritten? I can provide the theater file if anyone wants to look at it. This is beyond my skill level.
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Re: User Views Will Not Save

Postby niclights » 03 Mar 2014, 18:48

I would imagine only a handful of people have ever tried this. It's probably beyond everyone's skill level!

All I can say is when I try it (in stand-alone) it works ok. Test was: Design mode. Adjust view. Save View. Save Theatre. Close. Relaunch. Load Theatre. It also seems to load ok when used within Titan but the views will reset on show load so you would always have to manually open the theatre in this case.

Default values I see are:

Width 333, 0
Depth 750, 0
Height 100, -45
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Re: User Views Will Not Save

Postby Tallysrfr » 04 Mar 2014, 15:50

The values are about the same, but it's almost inside out at those values. If I raise the depth value to around 2000, I get it back to a cube. I'll send you the file and you can see what I mean.
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Re: User Views Will Not Save

Postby niclights » 04 Mar 2014, 17:56

When I load the file it looks ok. If I adjust the values it does go inside out as you say. If I try to save views and reload it goes inside out. Unfortunately I have no ideas. It seems vaguely familiar and Gregory might have some suggestions but I don't think I can help, sorry.
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Re: User Views Will Not Save

Postby Tallysrfr » 04 Mar 2014, 18:38

That's okay. If you could forward it on to him, I would appreciate it.
Thanks for all your help,
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Re: User Views Will Not Save

Postby Tallysrfr » 06 Mar 2014, 17:35

I just rebuilt my theater (on my other computer), and I found that I can save User Views at least on the left side. On the right side, I have to change the depth (upward) and I think that is the problem, but I want to understand why it's doing that so I can work with it. When I add a view from the right side, it won't save any of them. I'm not sure why I have to change the depth (when I use the Viewpoint Orientation to orbit around it gets farther away from the theater and, at a certain point, it looks like it's turning inside out) in the first place. Why doesn't it just orbit around at the same distance? If I can understand what's going on, I can avoid problems in the future.
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Re: User Views Will Not Save

Postby Tallysrfr » 06 Mar 2014, 22:36

I was able to save six User Views and also view them in Titan Mobile Simulator. And when I selected Auto Update, closed and reopened the theater, lights appeared. I will soon find out if they are the right lights. I don't know what's up with that other file, but I rebuilt the theater piece-by-piece, selecting the properties of each piece on one computer and adding them to the new theater on on the other computer, manually entering the position and dimension data to each one. It was a very tedious and time-consuming job that I hope to never have to repeat. But, it works, though limited to one side of the room. Hopefully, someone out there can make sense of what's going on and offer a fix. I would like to have a 360 degree view of the room, for programming purposes.

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