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lcd old black

Posted: 14 Mar 2005, 14:08
by chuc
o Work with XP SP2 my Pearl simulator has spoiled but to disappeared menu the LCD leaves in black color the list to me access to the A-B-C-d-e-f-g program do not appear state long time working with and I have never had problems I have desistalado the program and returned to install and follow with the same problem You know that I can make
Thanks and a greeting :cry:

Posted: 14 Mar 2005, 16:44
by Low_ID
I think my post in that topic: A question about the sim and vis can be useful for you.

There you will find

Low_ID wrote:Maybe you have your show data files corrupted from an earlier simulator show openning attempt.

These two files are called simpearlavo.sys and simpearlmempool.sys and will be normally located on XP under C:\Documents and Settings\"your profile"\Local Configuration\Temp\

These files contain the information of the last loaded show on the simulator, but if they are anyway corrupted you will be unable to run the program thus being unable also to load any other show.

You can directly delete these two files (with the simulator "off", of course) and the next time you run the simulator it will start from scratch; then you should be allowed to load a new show.

Good luck