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Fixtures stay on, even with Dimmer at 0%

Posted: 25 Dec 2023, 22:31
by tn_event
Hey Guys,

I have a reappearing Issue on the Tiger Touch 2 Console.
I'm running Titan 15.1.
After loading a show two groups of fixtures would stay on all the time, even if the Dimmer is at 0%.
There are no active playbacks, no dimmer values. They will turn of if I remove all colors in the programmer.
The only fix is to repatch the same fixtures on the existing ones.
After storing and reloading the show, the same thing happens.

What could be the issue?
Thanks for any ideas.

Re: Fixtures stay on, even with Dimmer at 0%

Posted: 03 Jan 2024, 12:02
by icke_siegen
Can you please tell which fixtures these are? Also maybe you can tell which personality version it is - you find this via open/view and then click the button of one such fixture - this open the Fixture view. Then in the right pane slect the Personality tab and scroll all the way down - it should look similar to this:

fixview.png (40 KiB) Viewed 12723 times

I have the feeling that maybe it is a personality thing.

But it might also be a show thing - a playback which is hidden or a master. You would find this via the show library...