Input Cue to Cuelist

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Input Cue to Cuelist

Postby Okedonk » 16 Nov 2023, 07:00

Hi, I have Avolites Saphire Touch. How to copy or move a cue on the playback into the cue list? I know the common step is to turn on your playback and click append steps. but how to input it into the cue list without playing the cue.
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Re: Input Cue to Cuelist

Postby icke_siegen » 16 Nov 2023, 16:39

The usual Copy or Move works on the handle level and would move the whole cuelist or would fail with "Handle in use!" error.

I see two ways:
- either you include the cue (you can do this in Blind mode if you don't want this to be seen on stage) and then record this in the cuelist
- or you convert the cue into a cuelist (by appending another cue) and then copy it using syntax:
select playback of this (new) cuelist
< 1 >
select playback of cuelist where you want to append it

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