patch error

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patch error

Postby Luckyluuk313 » 20 Sep 2022, 13:44

Hello Community,

I made my own fixture file (or at least tried it) for an high end, shapeshifter w2.
now i get a address overlap error while i try too patch it (see picture for full message)
did i do something wrong in the fixture builder or how can i get around this?

Regards Luuk

Link to the picture of the error:
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Re: patch error

Postby niclights » 20 Sep 2022, 15:18


It's hard to say for certain without seeing the personality but it looks to me like an error in the personality where you have a mode called 'LED 1' that you are using as a cell but one or more channels of that cell are conflicting with other channel offsets in the mode you are trying to patch.

For example if you had a simple 2 cell RGB fixture and created a mode with 1=Red, 2=Green, 3=Blue to be used as a cell and then had a 'main' mode that contained two of the RGB cells and set the start of the first cell to offset 1 and the start of the second cell to offset 2 this would conflict as channel 2 (and 3) are already used in the mode linked to the first cell. If you tried to patch this you would get the error you are seeing.
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Re: patch error

Postby Luckyluuk313 » 21 Sep 2022, 10:30

Hello NicLights,

Thanks for the response, i have made a wetransfer link, so i hope you can take a look at the file.
Because i cant find a way the cells or other channels would overlap.

I hope to here from you,
regards Luuk

WeTransfer link: ... 631/93e9d8
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Re: patch error

Postby niclights » 21 Sep 2022, 12:40

I cannot reproduce the error with the file you have sent although it does not appear to have an 'LED 1' anywhere - are you sure this is the correct file?

However, the file you have sent does have many problems:

Firstly, it seems the majority of your controls are in the 'Compatibility Attributes' section. These are for the Diamond 4 consoles (and also used when generating R20 files). They are not used by Titan at all and will be ignored. In the mode you only have channels 6 and 7 assigned in the master and then cells from 26->79. So there is nothing from 1->5 and 6->25. All of the controls that are in the 'Compatibility Attributes' section should be in the 'Cell Master' section. Note that as things stand this will then result in a wheel mapping conflict in the dimmer, pan and tilt wheel slots. So this will also need to be addressed otherwise it will cause and error on patch.

Secondly, all controls in cells should be linked to a control in the master. At the moment all of the controls in cell 1 are linked to controls in the master which looks correct. But cells 2-7 only have the 'Led X'' and 'Led Y' controls linked and they are being linked to a control that has a resolution and channel offset. This is very strange. This means that if you adjust the level of Led X or Led Y in the master it will change the level of channels 6/7 as well as 26/27, 32/33. 40/41 etc. There would be no way to control channels 6/7 independently. Either channels 6/7 should be separate controls or they need to be in another cell. And all the cells should have links to LED White 1-3, LED Function and LED Dim.

Thirdly, all of the 'LED White' controls appear to have one function range which has a start and end DMX of zero (and a 'Text Only' range display). This will mean the associated channels will always output zero. I would have expected the end DMX value to be 255 and the range display to be Percentage 1dp.

Other minor issues include invalid locate and power on values for 'Mix colour function' and that many of the controls have names that are probably too long to fit (although these won't cause any errors).
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Re: patch error

Postby Luckyluuk313 » 21 Sep 2022, 14:08


I will have a look at all the problems you mentioned and see if it works when i apply it.
there is indeed no more a "LED 1" cell, its now called "LED NO/MOVE" (renamed it too see if that was the cell that was causing the trouble but the name never chanched in the error message.)
I will get back too you when i have tried it or have further questions.

Thanks in advance,
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Re: patch error

Postby niclights » 21 Sep 2022, 14:42

If the name didn't change in the error message then this suggests it may have still been patching the old version. This can happen if you are using a showfile where it has been patched before, even if it has since been deleted. For testing I would recommend always starting a new show.
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Re: patch error

Postby Luckyluuk313 » 27 Sep 2022, 08:14

thanks so much,
starting a new show made it patchable, now i can work on the rest of the list you mentioned to make it function like it should.
Thanks so much for the help

regards Luuk

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