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Programming a circle movement via a macro

Posted: 29 Apr 2021, 10:30
by TimKlijn

I am trying to create macro's wich will lower my programming time on the console.

I started with making the macro's wich will program movements on the console and titan one software. But when I playback one of those macro's the console won't put the programmed spread value in. For instance I made an circle with size 15% and a spread of 3. But when I fire that macro I get an circle with 15% size and a spread of 113. And the next macro has yet another spread.
It doesn't matter if I put the value in with the numberpad or with the wheels. But when i change the macro recording to real time it will execute it perfectly. I find the same problems in the titan one software and the Pearl tiger touch II console. Both of them are running software version 11.3.

Someone with the same problem, or even a solution?

Re: Programming a circle movement via a macro

Posted: 29 Apr 2021, 15:39
by icke_siegen
Hi Tim,

can you please explain how you made the macros so that it is clear what is in there? Also, you can give this macro the usernumber 1 and export it.
Or, you could send me the showfile and I extract the macro. (email to

Without this it isn't possible to tell what went wrong.
