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Color wheels in a cue

Posted: 14 Mar 2019, 19:25
by Tonerboy
Newbie to the Quartz console, have used it a few weeks. Overall I'm happy but seem to have an issue, which I'm sure is my lack of knowledge. This is Version 11.0. I have built a cue list using a dozen movers, 10 LED wall wash bars and some conventional. If I set a color for the LED units in a cue and then change colors in the next cue when I run the list the color for the first cue carries over to the next. If I move any of the 3 color wheels while in the second cue the color jumps to what I have it set.

I'm sure I have some global setting incorrect.


Re: Color wheels in a cue

Posted: 09 Apr 2019, 16:37
by phb
From the description you've given it sounds like this might be erroneous behaviour. Please could you file a support ticket at and we'll try and look at this for you.