Import show not importing

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Import show not importing

Postby Judge » 25 Apr 2018, 18:30

I am having trouble importing a showfile. Normally I just save as a new show and edit that. This file is becoming unwieldy and full of redundant stuff.
So I have created a new file and am trying to import my last show so I can map fixtures and cuelist over.
I open my new show, then select disk > import show > choose show.......and nothing.
In the show library mapper section I do not have any heads to map.

But oddly, in the patch window now on the left are all the old fixtures from the incoming file. There is no tab though in show library window, so I ought to have tabs for current show and incoming, and its not there.

I just opened an old show from a few years ago and attempted an import and it worked as expected. So maybe I have a problem with one of these showfiles - there seems to be incompatibility between them.
I am able to import another source file into the working show. I am also able to import the showfile that I want to use into a different show.

So somehow these two are not working together. I am using 10.1 and the problem exists both on Titan Mobile setup and Titan One on my desktop.
Anything I can try to sort this out?
Otherwise I am stuck forever with saving as - and getting an ever expanding list of redundant and probably never to be used again heads in the patch, which cannot be deleted.
I really wanted an opportunity to clean up.
Thanks for any pointers or suggestions.

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