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Record mode

Posted: 26 Oct 2015, 20:20
by FranzTheSaint
How do you Avo equilibrists out there use record mode in cue lists?

Let´s say you´re programming a theatre show or musical or something with many cues. Which record mode do you use? And why?

Before i only used Channel mode, mainly because that´s the way HOG and other desks work. But i´ve realized that tracking pulls through whatever mode you use, so what´s the deal here? ? I realize the showfile gets bigger when recording "Stage", but more? Pro´s and con´s ?



Re: Record mode

Posted: 28 Oct 2015, 02:44
by Olie
For a cue list I would use Fixture mode as it makes it easier when it pulls in all channels for a fixture. Allot of people use stage for a guarantee that everything is recorded. Bear in mind that stage only records fixtures above zero intensity or in the programmer. So often this is what you need.

As you have realised channels will track whatever mode you use. So you have more flexibility.

If you need to you can turn tracking off on a per cue basus.