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Pixel Mapping Custom Animations

Posted: 22 Oct 2011, 03:59
by CSmithDesign
Is it possible to load in custom animations for the pixel mapper in the new V5 software? Ie some sort of video file?

If not, could this be in the works in the near future? This would be really killer!

By the way, excellent work getting a pixelmapper into a lighting console, it's very much appreciated!

Posted: 22 Oct 2011, 12:46
by niclights
Not yet. Custom images coming soon...

Posted: 23 Oct 2011, 21:49
by CSmithDesign
Great! Nice to hear.

Do you have an estimate on the time. I'm sure that it's being worked on as fast as possible, but do you think it's in the 1-2 month area or more like 3-4 months?

Posted: 03 Nov 2011, 18:08
by (iCe)
Nice. I'd also like to add the option of just typing in some text.

As for the pattern editor, some things could be made simpler when you could control things like size, position and rotation of a shape like you would on an iPad; multitouch pinching and rotating. I don't really like the "lots of sliders" approach chosen now.

Posted: 03 Nov 2011, 18:47
by niclights
Text also ... coming soon...

Sliders is a starting point. Numeric entry would be useful. Graphical manipulation has also been mentioned already. One problem I see is how do you manipulate an element once it is animating?