Playbacks Workspace Window

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Playbacks Workspace Window

Postby watty » 16 Oct 2019, 21:10

I am not sure if I am doing something in-correctly or if there is a bug in V11.1.

I am using a Titan Mobile with 11.1 and I am trying to work out why when I alter the content of pages within banks 1-12 of the Playbacks Workspace Window, I am not able to store the changes.

As an example, If I modify the layout of page 2 and then move around the various pages of bank 1-12, page 2 will look the same as I left it when I return to page 2. If I save the show and close down the software, when I re-start it and come back to page 2 of the Playbacks Workspace Window, it has reverted to how it looked before I made the changes.

Do I need to save the changes before saving the show?? If so, I have no idea how. I set up the various pages a long time ago and can't remember how I did it at the time.
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Re: Playbacks Workspace Window

Postby niclights » 16 Oct 2019, 22:48

If you mean the appearance settings like button size or fixed number of rows/columns then these apply to the whole window but you can store and recall them as workspace shortcuts. So for example if you wanted 5 rows by 5 columns for page 1 and 10 rows by 6 columns for page 2 then you can set it page 1, set the appearaance as required, record workspace shortcut, then change to page 2, change the appearance and record another workspace shortcut. Selecting the first workspace shortcut will change to page 1 with the associated appearance settings and the second workspace shortcut will change to page 2 with its appearance settings.
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Re: Playbacks Workspace Window

Postby watty » 17 Oct 2019, 09:57

Nick, thanks for the reply.

I am not referring to the layout of the buttons/grid/font sizes. If I select "hide pages" I have one playback window workspace page with 972 cells in which to store playbacks. If I select "show pages" there are two banks of twelve pages available on the buttons down the left hand side of the screen. Each of these buttons when selected gives 972 cells. Does this mean there are 24 pages of 972 cells? As it is a while since I recorded this show version I an struggling to work out what I did. I have searched around but can't find much in the way of explanation as to how the playback workspace pages work. I am assuming they are just separate pages within the playback workspace window that do not interact with each other. In which case I assume I can have page one laid out with various playbacks and then copy these to page two and rearrange them or store further playbacks. This is what I am struggling with as I am not fully understanding exactly how the pages work.
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Re: Playbacks Workspace Window

Postby niclights » 17 Oct 2019, 10:33

The number of handles and pages are unlimited. They will both dynamically increase on demand. The pages just give a way to separate them out as you say. The only interaction I can think of is if you have the handle paging set to locked or transparent lock, in which case the handle will remain across all pages in its location.
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Re: Playbacks Workspace Window

Postby watty » 17 Oct 2019, 11:07

I believe this may be part of the issue I am having. Should it be possible to select all playback handles on the workspace page and change them to unlocked in one go? I have tried to do it and it appears it should work but when I go back and check individual handles, they are locked.
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Re: Playbacks Workspace Window

Postby niclights » 17 Oct 2019, 12:26

Yes although unfortunately I have found a lot of inconsistency. I am struggling to pin down things exactly at the moment - I am fairly sure there are a number of separate issues and things are definitely not quite right in the multiple playback options camp at the moment.

Try to ensure that the marquee selection starts and ends on a handle and that all the handles are highlighted in red. I believe at least one of the problems is related to starting and/or ending on an empty handle and found that some handles could be excluded from the selection if they had previously been selected for playback options and, possibly, when 'Handles' has also been selected for example if you were trying to view the current option (I think when it occurs it is always just the last one). If you notice one of the handles is still in green and not included in the selection just exit, [Playback Options] and draw the marquee again - the second attempt always worked in my tests. Similarly, it always seemed to work ok when I ensured the marquee started and ended on a handle.

Note that, with the exception of groups, handles default to unlocked so it would be quite unusual to have to unlock them all unless you had explicitly locked them in the first place.
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Re: Playbacks Workspace Window

Postby watty » 17 Oct 2019, 13:33


Thanks for the suggestion regarding handle paging. I had locked various handles when I initially created the show in question and these were on different pages - hence my confusion when changing pages and moving things around. The multiple selection issue added to the problem and caused yet more confusion. I believe all is now well with my layout issues. 8)
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Re: Playbacks Workspace Window

Postby niclights » 17 Oct 2019, 15:42

I'm pleased to hear it is not working.

This is probably not of any use to you now but for anyone else that might read this it occured to me that another way to go about this might be via the Show Library window where everything is collected together and you can select handles across pages if required. And if you filter to playbacks and toggle the context menu display option to grid all of the playbacks will be shown in a list which you can (range) select.

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