Mode 3 playbacks

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Mode 3 playbacks

Postby watty » 25 Nov 2018, 19:48

I would appreciate help on the following.

I am trying to set up different intensity (20%, 40% etc.) playbacks on touchscreen handles in a playback bank for a specific group of fixtures - Chauvet Intimidator Spot Duo. I would like these to alter just the intensity of any playbacks that are already running. Due to HTP I can only get the lower values to work if I use mode 3. This works fine on things like LED PAR fixtures with 20% overriding what might already be 100%. The problem with the Intimidator spots is that in mode 3 the intensity playback (although only recorded with the I mask) stops the pan/tilt shape running on the fixtures. Can someone explain why this happens?

I would assume that the Intensity playback would only take over and modify the Intensity and nothing else. Mode 3 is the only thing that appears to work to override HTP. I am basically trying to create different fixed value touchscreen playback handles that override existing intensities on running playbacks. I can achieve this with intensity masters on faders but would like to achieve the same result with fixed values on handle buttons.

Any help as always is welcome.
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Re: Mode 3 playbacks

Postby Gregory » 26 Nov 2018, 13:30

You should be able to use XFade Dimmer for this, it is available as a playback option or as a flag that can be set on the dimmer attribute; it is available in version 11 onwards. Mode 3 is intended to crossfade everything, regardless of what playback it is from, to what you have in the mode 3 playback, this includes intensity, LTP values and shapes. In the case of LTP values this only applies to values which you have recorded in the playback however any other HTP values and shapes not recorded into the playback will be crossfaded out.
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Re: Mode 3 playbacks

Postby watty » 26 Nov 2018, 18:22

Gregory, thanks for the advice. I have set Cross Fade HTP "Active" and it does exactly what I need. I was not previously making it active as I did not understand the function correctly. Am I correct in thinking that when it is set to Active, the playback will cross fade to LTP? If so, maybe this would be a better description???

Anyway, thanks for the excellent service.
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Re: Mode 3 playbacks

Postby Gregory » 26 Nov 2018, 21:10

When the feature was originally written we experimented with different names including some containing LTP, at the time this lead to confusion as to whether the function changed how LTP channels worked or applied to normally HTP channels like Dimmer. However this should be reviewed so I have added your comments to our bug tracking system so that it can be looked at in a future version.

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