Titan Feature Requests

Questions or discussions about the Titan and classic consoles and software.

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Re: Titan Feature Requests

Postby stephlight » 07 Oct 2016, 14:46


In the Attribute Control window, it would be nice be able to to have CMY, RGB, RGBW options for color mixing.

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Re: Titan Feature Requests

Postby renebiemans » 09 Oct 2016, 02:45

What I would like to see is a way to make easy symmetrical groups and shapes for O/E, 1 in 3 etc.

I know you can do it manually by selecting the right half of the fixtures en invert etc, but thats a lot of work.

I also thought about creating this functionality myself by creating a few macro's. But I than miss an option to select the left and right fixtures. For example when you have 8 fixtures 1 to 8. Then 1-4 should be left group and 5-8 should be the right group. Maybe AVO kan make a custom macro for this? Or maybe it is possible to have some math logic around a macro in the future?

Next to that linked groups will also be great. Just like linked pallets but then with groups. So when you have recorded a memory, chase, shape or pixel map etc and you change the group that also these things will be updated with that new group information. This is also handy when you have a nice symmetrical shape which you want to update with some fixtures.
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Re: Titan Feature Requests

Postby stephlight » 31 Oct 2016, 15:31

renebiemans wrote:What I would like to see is a way to make easy symmetrical groups and shapes for O/E, 1 in 3 etc.

I know you can do it manually by selecting the right half of the fixtures en invert etc, but thats a lot of work.

I also thought about creating this functionality myself by creating a few macro's. But I than miss an option to select the left and right fixtures. For example when you have 8 fixtures 1 to 8. Then 1-4 should be left group and 5-8 should be the right group. Maybe AVO kan make a custom macro for this? Or maybe it is possible to have some math logic around a macro in the future?

Next to that linked groups will also be great. Just like linked pallets but then with groups. So when you have recorded a memory, chase, shape or pixel map etc and you change the group that also these things will be updated with that new group information. This is also handy when you have a nice symmetrical shape which you want to update with some fixtures.

in symmetrical Groups / selections it would be interesting to be able to invert PAN/TILT on certain fixtures.
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Re: Titan Feature Requests

Postby Quidam » 07 Nov 2016, 22:27

In the Load Show window, being able to see (and maybe sort by) show version for each showfile in the list.
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Re: Titan Feature Requests

Postby Clayton » 13 Nov 2016, 23:16

Can we get both picture legends AND text legends for the same item please?

I love using picture legends, but it's really frustrating that all my playbacks then wind up with only cryptic titles when viewed in lists, the intensity grid, etc.
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Re: Titan Feature Requests

Postby AndreH » 18 Nov 2016, 07:20

Hi There

I have a few Titan Request, some might be a good point, some not but hey! :

1. If you double Tap the @ button, the attribute go to 100%, but I want to request that if you double tap the @ button in the Pan and Tilt attribute, that it goes's to 50%

2. If you SINGLE Tap the @ button, that it automatically "Touch" the attribute

3. If you double Tap the @ button at a Wheel (Like color wheel or Gobo wheel) then the attribute jump one wheel

4. If you hold in the @ button, then the attribute clear out of the programmer

5. Some sort of anti-Virus for all the consoles

6. (I don't know how to do this if it is available) Tap temp on the chase ITSELF (like the flash button)

7. PUT THE QUARTZ POWER BUTTON SOMEWHERE ELSE!!!!!!!!! (or just give a safety so that the console does not accidentally switch of when you press it)

8. Make a Titan two (a USB Version with 2 universes), or give us the functionality to run two titan one's at once

9. Winamp is out dated. Get a iTunes and/or Windows media player timecode plugin
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ascii export/import

Postby stephlight » 21 Nov 2016, 14:42

several customers ask to have a fonction to export and import show in ascii or from ascii, would it be possible to have this kind of solution?

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Re: Titan Feature Requests

Postby inrimartyr » 21 Nov 2016, 18:34

Midi Triggers dialog box made into a "workspace". Making midi triggers in the system menu makes for a second monitor necessary to be efficient.

Midi Triggers to be saved in the show file or exported. Right now I have no way to transfer triggers from desk to desk.
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Re: Titan Feature Requests

Postby Quidam » 22 Nov 2016, 12:54

Crossfade masters (XFade A and B) for the connected cuelist (or, even better, also way to specify a master cuelist).

If I'm not mistaken, the only way to manually crossfade between two successive cues of a cuelist is to use the Fader Mode Manual Crossfade.
That's a nice option, but it only allows symmetrical xfades.
Theatre and MA operators are used to be able to crossfade on 2 faders : first one is the fade out of the current cue, second is the fade in of the next cue.
Today I ran again (it's not the first time) in a guy not willing to go further into Titan because it's not an available option.
(Or am I missing something ?)
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Re: Titan Feature Requests

Postby stephlight » 24 Nov 2016, 15:53


An important thing to have is to import patch from Capture to Titan when the plot is drawn with Capture. When we have lot of fixtures we loose a lot of time by doing the the Patch two times.

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Re: Titan Feature Requests

Postby StijnS » 04 Dec 2016, 17:50

Me talking to colleague who is programming the console.

He: "I'm bad at creating good drawings for my palettes"
Me: "Wouldn't it be great if you could set up the look, take your phone with the Titan App on it, take a photo and it appears as the pallette's legend?"
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Re: Titan Feature Requests

Postby stephlight » 05 Dec 2016, 08:56

It would be very useful to be able to set the fixture order for Shape Generator & Key frame Shape as we do for Fixture Overlap. It would permit to modify order and grouping during effects creation (not after by editing the effetc).

As I'm talking about Fixutre order for Fixture Overlap (& perhaps effects...), it could be interesting to give an order to a selection, so we could use groups. A faster way when we have a lot of fixtures in the cue.

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Playbacks kill/release other playbacks

Postby clublights » 13 Dec 2016, 15:34

Playbacks kill/release other playbacks

The ability to have a playback kill/release other playbacks
For example for a hazer you have 4 playbacks one foe each at 25% 50% 75% and 100% when I fire the 25% I want the 100% to release/kill

Also an "easy mode" set in user options that only one playback can be active at a time. So that firing any playback kill/releases any other playback this could be set to kill/release any @ X priority or below thus allowing some playbacks to override this but still get the desired effect.
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Re: Titan Feature Requests

Postby stephlight » 14 Dec 2016, 09:40

Could we have an Invert Order in Fixture Overlap fixture Order Options ?

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Re: Titan Feature Requests

Postby stephlight » 14 Dec 2016, 09:42


It would be interesting when changing type in patch that it is also changed in Capture.

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