Park patched fixtures macro

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Park patched fixtures macro

Postby Michaelg124 » 11 Aug 2019, 18:21


I am touring with a show witch uses a lot of house dimmers.
Every time i am in a new venue i have to unpatch and repatch a lot of dimmers.
I have tried to make a macro to unpatch all my dimmer so i only have to patch the correct adresses.

I tried the following:
<Record macro>
<Patch view>
Select all my dimmers
<End macro>

But it doesnt work..

Any ideas?

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Re: Park patched fixtures macro

Postby sideshowbond » 11 Aug 2019, 21:27

I tried to code a macor for that at some point and have gotten nowhere. Maybe if Greg reads this he might have an idea on how to solve this.
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Re: Park patched fixtures macro

Postby Gregory » 14 Aug 2019, 20:59

Sebastian asked me about a macro to park the currently selected fixtures and this is what I came up with:

Code: Select all

<macro id="Avolites.Macros.ParkSelectedFixtures" name="Park Selected Fixtures">
  <description>Parks the currently selected fixtures.</description>
    <step>Handles.SetSourceHandleRangeFromHandles(Windows.PatchView.Handles, true)</step>

If you knew that your dimmers would always be in a particular user number range you could select them first by syntax:

Code: Select all

101 THRO 199
If you wanted to code this into a macro you could do:

Code: Select all

Command.RunCommand("101 THRO 199")
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Re: Park patched fixtures macro

Postby icke_siegen » 15 Aug 2019, 07:09

Thanks Gregory - you are awesome :D

Michael, you can also recall the group of fixtures - and if you know that the group of dimmers you frequently want to park (or maybe the group All Dimmers) has e.g. UserNumber 100 then a line like

Code: Select all

would select exactly this.
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Re: Park patched fixtures macro

Postby icke_siegen » 15 Aug 2019, 08:50

Additionally, in order to make it run reliably, each step requires a little pause (at least in my tests).

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

  <macro id="Avolites.Macros.ParkSelectedFixtures" name="Park Selected Fixtures">
    <description>Parks the currently selected fixtures.</description>
      <step pause="0.01">Programmer.Editor.Selection.GetSelectedHandles("Windows.PatchView.Handles")</step>
      <step pause="0.01">Handles.SetSourceHandleRangeFromHandles(Windows.PatchView.Handles, true)</step>
      <step pause="0.01">Patch.Repatch.SetDmxAddressesFromSelectedFixture()</step>
      <step pause="0.01">Patch.Repatch.ParkSelectedFixtures()</step>
      <step pause="0.01">Handles.ClearSelection()</step>
  <macro id="Avolites.Macros.ParkGrp100" name="Park Group 100">
    <description>Parks fixtures in Group 100.</description>
      <step pause="0.01">Group.RecallGroupNumeric(100)</step>
      <step pause="0.01">Programmer.Editor.Selection.GetSelectedHandles("Windows.PatchView.Handles")</step>
      <step pause="0.01">Handles.SetSourceHandleRangeFromHandles(Windows.PatchView.Handles, true)</step>
      <step pause="0.01">Patch.Repatch.SetDmxAddressesFromSelectedFixture()</step>
      <step pause="0.01">Patch.Repatch.ParkSelectedFixtures()</step>
      <step pause="0.01">Handles.ClearSelection()</step>

See ... edfixtures
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Re: Park patched fixtures macro

Postby sideshowbond » 18 Aug 2019, 12:32

I haven't used it extensively but parking 3 universes without step pauses worked just fine.

Thank you Greg, this is a brilliant tool when coming to a festival and you quickly want to unpatch your whole template file before you start patching in the house rig

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