Avolites virtual panel not showing

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Avolites virtual panel not showing

Postby jelmerv » 12 Dec 2022, 19:34

hi there,
is there anyone who knows how to fix my virtual panel in to my workspace?
ive tried to reinstall the software and reboting my pc. but its still not showing. it opens itself when i start the titan software and the virtual panel is vizual on my taskbar.
i dont use an extra monitor so its not on an other workspace.

does anyone know what i can do to fix the virtual panel in my workspace?
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Re: Avolites virtual panel not showing

Postby icke_siegen » 13 Dec 2022, 07:49

Most likely one of the config files is corrupt. Try TitanReset (https://www.avolites.de/support-downloa ... et#english) to rectify this - simply download and run it.

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