Bug? Wheel view does not display "LIMITED" watermark for attributes limited to negative values

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Bug? Wheel view does not display "LIMITED" watermark for attributes limited to negative values

Postby revenant » 14 Nov 2021, 21:29

Titan Go V15

When attribute values are limited to values less than zero, the associated wheel view does not display the "LIMITED" watermark.

Repro as follows -

1. Start new show
2. Patch 1 x Varilite VLZ Profile [16-Bit Enhanced, 61 DMX]
3. Select VLZ Profile and set "Frame Rot" attribute to a value of -22.00
4. Press <Patch>, [Edit Fixtures], [Set Limits]
5. (if prompted)** Select VLZ Profile fixture
6. Press [Previous], [Previous], [Previous]
7. Press [Frame Rot], [Set Upper Limit], [Set to Current Value]
8. Observe, the "LIMITED" watermark is not displayed although the attribute is limited to the set value

The specific Frame Rot value is not relevant, only that it be a value less than zero.

**When setting limits, sometimes the procedure would take the current fixture selection as the selected fixtures to apply limits to, other times you are prompted to select fixtures regardless if there is a current fixture selection or not, this was not consistent or repeatable.

Note, This issue exists for both [Set Upper Limit] or [Set Lower Limit].

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