Titan Does Not Recognize a License

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Titan Does Not Recognize a License

Postby mlharding » 25 Jul 2018, 02:19

I downloaded the Titan suite to my home computer a few months ago so I can program shows in my downtime. I was having trouble activating the license at that time and gave up because I got busy with other stuff. I decided to try installing the PC Suite on my crappy old laptop, and had no issues with activating the license through the internet activation within the simulator. So I tried my main computer once again, but still couldn't get it to activate. So I uninstalled and reinstalled the entire program, and tried activating it again, and it still wouldn't work.

I submitted a ticket on the website explaining my problems, and they cleared my backlog of license requests and closed my ticket, and left me with the message: "Hi, When activating the software please ensure you are not using the same license key that has been used previously. You will need seperate licenses for each machine." I understand this, and have been trying to request a new license for this exact machine for several months now. But since the queue was cleared I tried activating the software using the internet activation option, again, and still no luck. So I attempted a manual activation through the website, and got a license file downloaded with no issues. I copied the file to Avolites/Titan/Tokens, and navigated to the brand new file in the software, and it rejected it. I'm getting really frustrated by what should be a really simple process.

Titan wouldn't accept my requested license for my main computer.
Requested License for a different computer (from that computer) and that activation worked.
Titan still wouldn't accept a license requested for my main computer.
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Joined: 02 Jul 2010, 10:29
Location: Siegen, Germany

Re: Titan Does Not Recognize a License

Postby icke_siegen » 25 Jul 2018, 07:54

I guess your main computer still holds an expired license which prevents the new activation.
- delete everything from C:\program files (x86)\Avolites\Titan\Tokens
- restart computer
- start Titan and apply for a new license -> this time it should work
Posts: 8
Joined: 25 Jul 2018, 02:05

Re: Titan Does Not Recognize a License

Postby mlharding » 26 Jul 2018, 16:00

That worked. It looks like everything activated this time. Thanks!

Now I just need to figure out how to make all of the fixtures in my saved show from the venue appear in the internal visualizer...
Posts: 1091
Joined: 02 Jul 2010, 10:29
Location: Siegen, Germany

Re: Titan Does Not Recognize a License

Postby icke_siegen » 27 Jul 2018, 07:24

Glad it worked - thanks for the feedback.

As for the visualiser question - which kind of derails this thread:
- make sure your personalities are updated
- check if the fixtures are capture ready - hit View followed by a fixture button. Does it say 'Capture Available'?
If no: submit a request at http://personalities.avolites.com
If yes but the fixture doesn't appear in capture: save your show, open capture settings, got to tab 'Show', click 'Wipe', patch one more fixture. This way the capture window is 'rigged' anew, and your fixtures should appear.

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