Positions (P) not saving in que

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Positions (P) not saving in que

Postby Graham » 11 Feb 2018, 12:50

Hi everyone.

I got some Chinese lights 350 r17 and I had them all working fine. I made the personality and imported 2 of these lights.

New years eve comes and while working I pour a double vodka over my laptop. Finished.

I get my old laptop out and remake the personality for these lights and import them. I try to make the same nice pallet I had all made but nothing was saving.
Here is where the problem is...
I could control the light's movement using the wheels but when I saved it as a que in the positions pallet the "P" on the saved que was not white so no information was saved.
I had some other lights that I quickly tested (PROLIGHTS AIR6PIX) and they were working normal and I could save the positions (P went white in que).

I get a new laptop and try again. Clean install of downloaded Titan one for PC from website. Plug in the titan USB and start again.
(Firstly I didnt notice anything new about the software. I thought there was an update)

Anyway I plug away making my personality for the lights and then patching the 2 x 350 R17s.
Again I can control them using the wheels on screen but saving of positions is the same. On the que the P should be white but it's greyed out as if no info was saved.

I can't get my head arounnd it.
On the original laptop that worked fine with these lights had Titan One in early 2017. Since then there has been updates to Avoltes software.
Could a combination of environment differences be at play?

I'm at a total loss. Is the USB firmware out of date? I checked and it wasnt saying it needed one but it hasnt had one since IO got it about 3 years ago. I don;t know.
Please help.
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Re: Positions (P) not saving in que

Postby niclights » 11 Feb 2018, 13:03

Is the attribute group for the pan and tilt attributes set to 'position' in the personality? The attribute groups are used to determine all mask functions. When you quick record palettes they will automatically mask to the window type (for example quick record in the position palettes window will only record attributes assigned to the position attribute group).

A way to confirm this without looking in Personality Builder might be to clear the programmer, select one of the fixtures and adjust just pan or tilt. The associated attribute group will light in the IPCGBES indicators above the wheel display. P will light if it's set to position.

Note that you can record any attribute to any palette window if you go via the record palette menu.
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Re: Positions (P) not saving in que

Postby Graham » 16 Feb 2018, 10:05

Dear niclights
Thank you so much. It fixed the problem.

I wonder how it worked when I originally set it all up on the first laptop. I didn't set the attribute group before and it all worked.
Different enviroment I guess. Anyway it's wokring now after I set the attribute groupo. VEry much appreciated!

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Re: Positions (P) not saving in que

Postby Graham » 16 Feb 2018, 10:42

Hi niclights

Thanks for help on these 2 issues. I'll try and move the workspace across. this laptop is far too slow.

Now I'm having trouble with the LOCATE values.
I've set all the values how I would like them (0-255 on different attributes) but when I import the light and press locate it's as if the values are all set to 100.
I had this working on the original laptop but this one is giving me grief.
Is there something I'm missing like I was with the attribute group?
Thanks again.
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Re: Positions (P) not saving in que

Postby Graham » 16 Feb 2018, 10:55

Hi nic
I renamed the personlity and changed the manufactor name and now it's working.
Maybe cache problem or something. Anyway
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Re: Positions (P) not saving in que

Postby niclights » 16 Feb 2018, 11:03

If the fixture is already patched and you edit the personality independently of Titan (ie. by launching Personality Builder, opening the file, editing and saving) then you will need to update the personality in the show to see the changes (PATCH/[Edit Fixtures]/[Update Personality]). Alternatively you can use PATCH/[Edit Fixtures]/[Edit Personality] which will launch Personality Builder with the chosen personality loaded. After editing and saving using this method the software will automatically prompt with an option to update directly.
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Re: Positions (P) not saving in que

Postby Graham » 16 Feb 2018, 11:27

Ah that's brilliant.
I've been un-patching the lights , editing the personality then repatching. It's really time comsuming. ;-)
Thanks for the tip

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Re: Positions (P) not saving in que

Postby Graham » 16 Feb 2018, 11:29

All seems to be working now except one odd thing.
When I try to generate a shape for these lights there is no TILT shapes on offer.
If I select my other lights I can see a TILT shape being offered.
So its like Titan doesn't think these lights can tilt.
I can use the wheels to tilt the lights and save tilt positions.
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Re: Positions (P) not saving in que

Postby niclights » 16 Feb 2018, 11:42

Shapes rely on the attribute ID. Check that your tilt attribute has the attribute ID 'Tilt' otherwise it won't work.
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Re: Positions (P) not saving in que

Postby Graham » 16 Feb 2018, 11:49

That's mental.
That was the only thing that I noticed was different to all the rest.
It was not called Tilt. I just renamed it and updated the personality. Still the same. I'm gonna rename the whole personality again and retry.

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