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More than three attributes in a group

Posted: 13 Dec 2020, 11:53
by Andrew Palmer
Using: Titan V14.0 on Tiger Go on Laptop and presumably on Tiger Touch II which I will try tomorrow.
Presumably a general issue, but I'm currently working on the Chauvet Rogue R3 Spot.
I've tried searching the forum but can't find anything.

When there are four attributes in an attribute group (such as 'Colour 1 Func', 'Colour 1', 'Colour 2 Func' & 'Colour 2'), Titan puts the first three on the first page of wheels and the forth one on the next page. It is similar in the Attribute Editor. It would be better to force both 'Colour 2 Func' & 'Colour 2' onto the second page. This issue also arises with other attributes, splitting 'Auto' from 'Auto Spd' for example.

A possible workaround would be to create a dummy attribute to occupy the third wheel.

I would be grateful if anyone could point me in the direction of a solution please.

Thanks in anticipation,


Re: More than three attributes in a group

Posted: 13 Dec 2020, 12:18
by niclights
Currently Titan ignores gaps and bunches up. This is useful when you want to avoid empty slots (or more likely whole empty pages), for example where there are multiple modes with various control implementations. But this is an issue when you do want to achieve particular layouts. Additionally the wheel and attribute editor layouts are both derived from the same information further compounding the problem.

It certainly would be useful to be able to specify/force wheel layouts and ideally, along similar lines, page boundaries etc. in the attribute editor. But a solution would need to take into account not having empty spaces where you don't want them. I have given quite a lot of thought to this already. Perhaps an obvious option would be to have a different layout for each mode (and separate for wheels and attribute editor). But this could then become rather cumbersome to manage. For the attribute editor we also probably need to add horizontal scroll and to 'freeze' controls (like you might in Excel) so that we can, for example, have all of the parameters for an effect in a media server in a single page where the effect selection is always in view and you can scroll to the parameters if they don't all fit in the window.

Hopefully this can be improved in the future. In the meantime dummy attributes are the only solution I'm aware of although the attribute editor window is dynamic and will collect as many controls as possible together in a particular wheel group that will fit in the current window size. So you might want to experiment with attribute editor window widths.

Re: More than three attributes in a group

Posted: 13 Dec 2020, 14:21
by Andrew Palmer
Thanks for your comprehensive reply.

I can see how this might be an issue with different modes. I can also see how creating dummy attributes would cause unwanted gaps in the Attribute Editor (AE) when changing window widths. (I must admit that I'd forgotten that the AE would include more attributes if I'd increased its width.)

I like the idea of being able to choose between the current system for the AE and another mode where all attributes of each type are displayed with a scroll bar if necessary. Freezing and/or page boundaries would certainly be useful.

For the wheels, it's difficult to see any solution other than page boundaries or layouts for each mode. However, any solution would be most welcome.

Thanks again for replying. You've saved a lot of head scratching!
