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Martin Quantum profile personality file bug?

Posted: 23 Oct 2015, 10:16
by yanlingg13
Hi all!

I've encounter with some pan tilt bugs (?) while controlling martin quantum profile via tiger touch 2.
When tilting the fixture slowly, the fixture will keep jerking and produces noise. However if the values change quickly (eg. pan tilt chase) there is no issue with the tilt.
The weird thing is it only happen on the tilt and not the pan.

Have anyone encounter the same thing? The fixture is patched in the same mode as on the physical light..

Thanks in advance!

Re: Martin Quantum profile personality file bug?

Posted: 23 Oct 2015, 10:31
by niclights
I don't see how this can be personality.

Does it happen to all units or just one? Assuming all I wonder if it could be an issue with the encoder wheel. Try programming an up down chase and run it at low speed. Does the issue still occur?