virtual dimmer locate

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virtual dimmer locate

Postby ben59 » 12 Dec 2014, 08:15

I've a fixture with subfixture who are rgb cells with virtual dimmer.
my question is how can I record a locate, hi and low light value for the virtual dimmer? :shock:

Thanx :roll:
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Re: virtual dimmer locate

Postby niclights » 13 Dec 2014, 11:03

Locate values are defined on the attributes themselves meaning it is the same for virtual or non-virtual.

When attributes are set to be controlled by a virtual master then their output on locate will ultimately be a combination of the virtual controller and the attribute being controlled.

For example, if you have a Red attribute which is set to locate at 100% that is virtually controlled by a dimmer which also locates at 100% then locating the fixture will result in Red being output at 100%. But if the dimmer was set to locate at 50% then the Red output on locate would be 50% since it is proportionally mastered by the dimmer.

For cells to locate from the master fixture they must be linked to master attributes. When adding cells there is a option to automatically create links (enabled by default) but this will only work if the master attribute does not already exist.

So if you just add some RGB+virtual dimmer cells to a new mode you will notice four 'virtual' attributes will be added to the master fixture. When you locate the master it will set the locate values for the associated attributes which then link to the ones in the cells and the result is all the cells light on stage.
However, if the fixture has a 'real' master dimmer attribute then we have a problem as linking this to the virtual dimmers in the cells would stop you being able to control the fixture properly, but would also mean that the cells won't light on locate. It is for this reason that factory personalities that have 'master' dimmers do not have virtual dimmers on the cells.

This does not mean it is not possible to have virtual dimmers on the cells in this situation though. It just means they won't light when locating the master fixture which isn't the end of the world, at least not if you are expecting it and understand why.

Alternatively you could create special 'master' attributes that power on at full. For example, if you have a fixture that has a master dimmer and then a bunch of RGB cells you could use the standard Dimmer attribute for your virtual dimmer but also create one called 'Master Dimmer' which is fixed at 100%. The problems occur when there are other master attributes such as colour macros which will also be dependent on the fixtures master dimmer.

This is not easy to explain but hopefully that's of some help!
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Re: virtual dimmer locate

Postby ben59 » 13 Dec 2014, 14:20

Thanx for your answer...
This is not the end of the world, I just record a cue with all the "virtual" cells dimmer turned on. I let it on and when I locate master fixture they bright...
I prefer do that because without virtual dimmer,
when I 've 2 cue with color and dimmer info inside, if the first one is on and full, as soon as i push the second master the dimmer is already at full with the first cue...
And with virtual dimmer I can mix 2 cue on different fader with an intensity control ...

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