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Personality builder newbie . . . . . . HELP!

Posted: 06 Feb 2013, 22:12
by Chippy
I have tried to create a personality file for a Lanta Neptune wash 144. It has 15 DMX channel which are:

1 Pan
2 Pan 16 bit
3 Tilt
4 Tilt fine
5 Pan/Tilt Speed
6 Strobe
7 Dimmer
8 Red (colour mix)
9 Green (colour mix)
10 Blue (colour mix)
11 White/Yellow (colour mix)
12 colour changing
13 Speed of colour changing
14 built in program
15 reset

I have followed the quick start guide but when I get to the channel section it doesn't list anything.

I know I have probably not done the DMX part right but the quick start guide is so vague I am not sure what.

I have a Titan mobile


Posted: 07 Feb 2013, 02:50
by niclights
This fixture already exists. You might want to update your library if you don't see it. If possible it is always a good idea to check the library online first in case there's a newly added fixture that isn't in your Titan fixture library.

However, it's still useful to understand how to create personalities so I've added some pointers anyway:

Typically people get stuck on creating modes.
After creating attributes you need to create a mode and then add the attributes.

- Select mode section on the left.
- Double click on one of the mode templates from top-right (for example 'mode 1').
- Select this new mode in the mode section on the left.
- Double click on each of the created attributes that should now appear top-right in the channel order. Using this method will automatically assign the DMX offsets for you (this assumes you have set pan and tilt to be 16-bit attributes already). Alternatively you can marquee select all the created attributes and drag-drop them onto the new mode. This will assign channel offsets in the order that the attributes were first created. To check and adjust offsets click on the Channels tab bottom-right.
- Finally, dlick on the Wheel Mapping tab and ensure there are no conflicts or unassigned attributes (both marked in red). Drag-drop red ones to empty slots to resolve as necessary.

Does that help?

Posted: 07 Feb 2013, 19:17
by Chippy

That really helped and kind of had the heads working but the dimmer wasn't correct and the channel list wanted pan 16 bit and tilt 16 bit to be 2 channels. The other problem the dimmer wasn't on full just half brightness. I tried playing with the DMX values and now can't get anything at all.

What should the start at DMX and end at DMX boxes say and also what should the start of range and end of range say for each attribute.

I hope Avolites are reading this and are going to update the quick start guide as I have being on this for several hours


Posted: 08 Feb 2013, 17:35
by icke_siegen
DMX start/end are the DMX values for a particular attribute range, whilst Range Start/Range End are the displayed values. E.g. for many fixtures you might have something like

Code: Select all

DMX Start = 64
DMX End = 127
Display Type = Percentage (0dp)
Range Start = 100
Range End = 0

for Gobo Rotation.
This would be valid for a fixture where channel X is gobo rotation, fast to slow (DMX = 64 would be 100% rotation, DMX = 127 would be 0% rotation).