Columns does'nt apears in cue view window

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Columns does'nt apears in cue view window

Postby Alexis.A » 08 Feb 2024, 16:03

Hi Avo Team !

On my home setup and on my sapphire touch, some columns does'nt apears in cue window even if "show all" filter is active.
I must convert my cue in a cuelist to show all columns apear.

I know that som columns does'nt make sens in a simple cue but i dont understand why certain columns as "Note" or "Autoload" are not aviable...

It is a normal behavior of Titan or is it a bug ?

Tank you !
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Re: Columns does'nt apears in cue view window

Postby icke_siegen » 08 Feb 2024, 16:09


thanks lot for reporting this. Actually it is the other way round: the 'Playback View Columns' menu provides options for single cues which are not applicable. Settings like Tracking, Move In Dark or Autoload are not available for single cue playbacks, and it is an error that the menu offers them.

I'll submit a bug report but I assume this is already in the system.
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Re: Columns does'nt apears in cue view window

Postby Alexis.A » 08 Feb 2024, 16:20

Tank you for your answer.

Shure, some option does'nt make sens to a sigle playback but I am surprised at the absence of "Note" or "Autoload" columns that are not a problem for a sigle playback... :roll:

Never mind. I have the answer to my question.

Thank you ! Have a nice day !
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Re: Columns does'nt apears in cue view window

Postby icke_siegen » 08 Feb 2024, 18:18

You are totally right - autoload or notes would make sense for single-cue playbacks, as would loading macros. But when it comes to reporting this, this would be a feature request/idea while displaying options which are invalid is a bug, and thus needs to be reported elsewhere.

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