some questions after a test programming session

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some questions after a test programming session

Postby Jetset86 » 27 Oct 2022, 04:41

I have a couple questions after a programming session today.

- I have some Chauvet Intimidator Hybrid 140SR's and even though I have selected the proper profile when patching, there is no dimmer value when I select intensity on the console. I have used these fixtures many times before and never had this issue.

- I asked a similar question previously but am still confused. Even when recording dimmer values to faders in channel mode, if I bring the fader down with colors or positions selected while busking, when I throw the fader up the fixture goes white and loses all that data even without hitting "clear"

- What is the best way to store effects and shapes in the effects workspace? I have made it work so far but am hoping to learn the standard or more efficient way.

- What is the best way to record Macros to a workspace for busking, and why do they stay on even after hitting "clear"
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Re: some questions after a test programming session

Postby icke_siegen » 27 Oct 2022, 09:41


  • are you using the 140SR in 13ch mode? if so then the fixtures don't have a dimmer channel in this mode, and since there is no colour mixing either there is also no virtual dimmer. Please use the fixtures in 19ch mode if you need a dimmer.
  • channel mode records everything which is currently in the programmer. What you are describing sounds like colours have been recorded into that playback. Which fixtures are you using?
  • shapes and effects in their workspace is something special: those palettes work slightly different than others as there are no global FX palettes. You always need to select fixtures before applying an FX palette. Personally I prefer effects in playbacks rather than in palettes.
  • what kind of macros are you refering to, and how do you record them? Because, macros generally do not latch and never go into the programmer itself (they can be recorded/written to change the programmer though) and thus are not affected by <Clear>. If you are refering to the factory palette macros then the mechanism is completely different: these affect the general setting which you can also change using the <Palette> hardkey, and to make things easier they are written in a way that they display the current setting. Even if you set overlap or fade directly in the palette menu the corresponding macros will be 'active' just in order to show the current value. Or, are you asking for something different?
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Re: some questions after a test programming session

Postby Jetset86 » 27 Oct 2022, 14:12

Thank you for your response. I am in 13ch mode and will switch back to 19ch mode.

- I have not recorded colors, ive only brought the dimmer to 100% with fixtures in their default position.

- As far as effects and shapes go i put them in a pallet to organize them per fixture group. I will also try them on playbacks.

- I am referring to the macros built into the fixture that I can scroll through in the attributed editor. My goal was to store some of them in a pallet and be able to play them back in real time. Example, I select fixture type ACL 360, choose a macro, change to position, then hit clear. everything clears but the macro. How can I get around that?
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Re: some questions after a test programming session

Postby niclights » 27 Oct 2022, 14:47

When recording make sure you set the record mode. From you description it sounds like you are using 'By Fixture'. Try using 'By Channel' instead. 'By Fixture' (default) will record all attributes of fixtures in the programmer. 'By Channel' will only record attributes in the programmer.

Regarding effects built into fixtures you could either record a palette that turns off the effect or use playbacks with a release mask. When you kill the playback it will return to the next active value or the default if there isn't one.
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Re: some questions after a test programming session

Postby Jetset86 » 28 Oct 2022, 01:05

Thank you. This worked for me.

So something interesting I noticed going through the attribute editor with High End Systems, Quad fixtures. There is a dimmer on the intensity but there is also a MASTER dimmer in its own section. This is overriding the normal master and will not allow me to control intensity on a fader. I can only dim it via a virtual slider you can drag with your finger. Any work arounds for this?
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Re: some questions after a test programming session

Postby icke_siegen » 29 Oct 2022, 08:09

This is common for fixtures which have cells and a main dimmer channel: what you found is the Master Dimmer which is the real dimmer channel. Usually you'd use this only to set the overall intensity of the fixture (this may vary for fixtures with built-in effects). The easiest way is to work with the cells' dimmers (virtual or real) - and the 'normal' dimmer is in fact a virtual thing which controls all these cell dimmers. This way it is more comfortable to create shapes and effects where you can define if and how they ought run on the master or subfixtures (cells).
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Re: some questions after a test programming session

Postby Jetset86 » 29 Oct 2022, 17:14

Thank you. Do you have a recommended way to assign that virtual dimmer to a physical fader on the console?
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Re: some questions after a test programming session

Postby niclights » 29 Oct 2022, 17:31

With either the cells or the master fixture selected just put the attribute called 'Dimmer' in the programmer at the level you want when the fader is at full then record it to a playback fader using record by channel. Leave the 'Master Dimmer' attribute at full. If you do need to change the master dimmer (might be required for the macro functions if you use these) then one option might be to place it at full in the programmer, record it to a playback fader using record by channel mode, then set the playback to mode 2 ([Edit Times] -> <select playback>) and set the master dimmer level to zero. The mode 2 playback will proportionally adjust the master dimmer level from the current level (ie. 0) to the recorded level (ie. full).
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Re: some questions after a test programming session

Postby Jetset86 » 29 Oct 2022, 23:14

That worked!!! Thank you so much!

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