Teach me how to do make lights do this....

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Teach me how to do make lights do this....

Postby naterosso » 19 Mar 2016, 11:02

OK, i'm running on the titan mobile. My question is if I have all my movers on, is there a way to turn them all off 1 by 1 really fast like in a 3 sec time frame? So basically I don't want all of them off at once. The scene i want is all lights are on to pitch black in a matter of a 2/3 secs and then to blast again. Could you teach me to do this? I use this board every week, but would still consider myself a newbie, Thanks for your time!
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Re: Teach me how to do make lights do this....

Postby Jack_NL » 19 Mar 2016, 11:34


No problem.
The first ting you have to do is to record a group in the order you want your dimmers go on ant off.
If you have done that you can program teh cue's.

- Select the group;
- Set intensity to 100%;
- record cue;
- set intensity to 0%;
- record cue;
- Finish record [Exit]
- Open playback view [Open Window ,] select playback by prssing the blue button of the playback fader or select it in the playback workspace
(depents on where you programed it.
- In the playback View you have to set the Fixture overlap and Fade in.
- Set the fade and overlap for both cues

- For diferent effects play with diferent times ( fade in / fade out) and Fixure overlaps.

After trying this on the Intensity atribute start trying it on other atributes for example the movement.
use the 2 stap cue list for intensity.
- record cue 2 all movers up ( your old cue 2 is now cue 3);
- record cue 4 all movers down;
- Set the fade and overlap values;
- for cue 2 and 4 , Set ling to 'Link with previous cue

good luck
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Re: Teach me how to do make lights do this....

Postby naterosso » 19 Mar 2016, 12:10

Great! Much appreciated, I will give it a whirl!!
Posts: 2
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Re: Teach me how to do make lights do this....

Postby XAVIAVOLITES » 19 Mar 2016, 14:38

En verdad no se donde dirigirme para efectuar una consulta a JAVIER.
Where can I write to contact with Javier in Spanish?
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Re: Teach me how to do make lights do this....

Postby Gregory » 19 Mar 2016, 16:10

I believe Javier keeps an eye on the Spanish section of the forum. Or you can find his contact details here.

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